

Full Stack Developer

I'm Ted, a Full Stack Developer from the United Kingdom. I specialize in building interactive web applications and have a passion for turning ideas into high-quality digital solutions.

  • 🔥 16 year old developer
  • 🚀 Building uploads.gg
  • 🧠 With NextJS, Typescript, Tailwind
  • 📖 Learning Java

How to center a div in TailwindCSS

Written by Ted

The most difficult question in development... how to center a div.

Well, don't worry, because it is very simple in TailwindCSS - and you have a choice of which ever works best for you.

Method 1

We can use grid to center a div.

<div class="grid h-screen place-items-center">
	<p>I'm centered!</p>

Let's break down what is happening here:

  • grid gives the div the display: grid CSS property.
  • place-items-center gives the center value in place items CSS property.
  • h-screen ensures that the height is the full screen, 100vh.

Method 2

We can use flexbox to center a div.

<div class="flex items-center justify-center h-screen">
	<p>I'm centered!</p>

Let's break down what is happening here:

  • flex gives the div the display: flex CSS property.
  • justify-center centers the div horizontally.
  • items-center centers the div vertically.
  • h-screen ensures that the height is the full screen, 100vh.

That's all!

Hope this blog post was useful.